Kosher Pig Update II

Well some things have to be seen to be believed. How about this quotation used for the book “The return of the kosher pig”:


For the hard of seeing the quote on the book says:

In the Messianic Era, when the true Divine nature of every creature will be openly revealed, the pig will stand vindicated as a kosher animal. The Lubavitcher Rebbe

The above is a partial quote on the book cover linked with fake ‘rabbi’ Shapira’s premise that Pig = Messiah= Divine Messiah = Yeshua= Jesus

Here is the quote in full taken from Chabad of Central New Jersey:

chbad pig

again for the hard of seeing:

In the Messianic Era, when the true Divine nature of every creature will be openly revealed, the pig will stand vindicated as a kosher animal. Because with all its posing and prancing, the pig does one thing for us. It forces us to confront our own insidious evil nature, combat it, and ultimately rise above it.

So the choice is ours. We can mask our deficiencies by verbally maligning the innocent pig, or we can recognize the pig for what it is: a mirror to our own animal selves. We must concentrate on perfecting and purifying our own animal souls, and G-d will reciprocate by “koshering” the pig. – The Rebbe

Based on Likkutei Sichos, Shabbos Parshat Shemini, vol. 17, pp. 92-99; Parshas Toldos, vol. 35 pp. 117-118 (reprinted from The Week in Review)

The above partial quote on the book cover shows the deceptive nature of such quoting and quotations. The Lubavicher Rebbe is making the connection between the hypocrisy of the pig and the mirror to our own animal selves. Nowhere is there a connection between any Messiah and a pig in any writings of the Lubavicher Rebbe and/ or the writings of the Sages.

What has the above quote got to do with the kosher pig being Jesus/ Yeshua and Jews having to accept Jesus as a divine messiah? The answer is that there is no connection between a messiah let alone a divine messiah and the return of the pig or that the pig is the messiah. In fact if the midrashim are anything to go by, Esav is the pig which represents in a historical time line: pagan Rome, Christian Rome and present day worldwide Christianity at large which includes messianic Judaism, which in the end undergo a transformation which renders them Kosher by their rejection of Yeshua. The transformation expressed most appropriately by Jeremiah 16:

19 O LORD, my strength, and my stronghold, and my refuge, in the day of affliction, unto Thee shall the nations come from the ends of the earth, and shall say: ‘Our fathers have inherited nought but lies, vanity and things wherein there is no profit.’ 20 Shall a man make unto himself gods, and they are no gods? 21 Therefore, behold, I will cause them to know, this once will I cause them to know My hand and My might; and they shall know that My name is the LORD.

For more information about this deception you can find out by clicking here.

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